Product Management Fundamentals (University of Maryland)
Introduction Customer Wants Product Manager Role No standard background Types of product manager: Technical, Strategic, Growth Owns Product Requirements Document, roadmap, team communications, budget Intersection of Customer (what do they want?) + Technology (is it technically viable?) + Business (is it commercially viable?) Support Design, Development, Marketing (Commercial) Starts at Opportunities and moves clockwise
Product Development Lifecycle Find and Plan: What’s the problem? Inputs (current and future): customers, company expertise, competition Design: How to solve it? Build: How best to build the solution? Product manager is the communications link between the developers and customers Share: How to deliver the solution? Sales and marketing Benefits > features, capabilities > stats, differentiation, value proposition Assess: Did the solution solve the problem? Metrics, customer satisfaction Working with Business Find and validate opportunity, communicate to stakeholders, get support Golden Circle What (Result) builds on How (Process) builds on Why (Purpose)